Monday, May 5, 2008

The Early Television Museum

Kudos to the Early Television Museum! This past weekend the Museum held its annual convention, and I was priviledged to be one of the speakers.

The museum itself is well worth a visit (as is its Web site)! It's just outside Columbus, Ohio and--yep--they had Crosley televisions, along with examples of just about every other brand. Kits, too; I was especially interested to see the 3-inch phospher-tube kit set that NRI provided back in the 1940s.

Hundreds of televisions, cameras and accessories are on display. There's also the Dave Johnson Cathode Ray Tube collection, and for the con a mobile unit (truck) from the early 1950s was on display.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Get a Crosley: The Conversation Piece You Can Drive!

Watching people admire Tom Miller's 1948 Crosley station wagon (that's Tom holding the Crosley's door) at various signings and talks, this slogan came to me. I think it could have been used to sell new Crosley automobiles:

Get a Crosley: The Conversation Piece You Can Drive!