It's a cartoon that reminds us of the Crosley Shelvador. Crosley made a "Tri-Shelvador," but it didn't have this many doors! If Crosley was still making Shelvadors, they just might look like this one. Thanks to Jim Bollman for the link.
Discussions of the book CROSLEY: Two Brothers and a Business Empire that Transformed the Nation, as well as the life of Powel Crosley, Jr., Crosley cars, radios, broadcasting, WLW, aircraft, and related topics. Check here often for new information uncovered since the book was published. This is the Official Crosley Blog, maintained by Crosley lead author and historian Michael A. Banks.
Sorry Mike the link I sent you changes daily. Here is a link that should hang around.
Thank you, Jim. I've changed the link in the post. --Mike
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