Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Recreating a Crosley Broadcasting Program

In an earlier note, I talked about recreating "The 50-50 Club," which Crosley Broadcasting transmitted from its television stations in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, and Indianapolis in the 1950s and 1960s. That was for the April 29 launch of Before Oprah: Ruth Lyons, the Woman Who Created Talk TV. There were two events that day, one at 11:00 AM, the other at 6:00 PM. You can see a portion of the morning event (which included WLWT announcer Bill Myers, singer Colleen Sharp, Ruth's former secretary Mickey Fisher, and producer Dick Murgatroyd) here:

There's a partial interview with me in that segment, too. A lengthier video of the reenactment of "The 50-50 Club" that we did for the evening signing is here:

The actress who portrays Ruth Lyons is Shelley Bamberger Bailey. Her performance was outstanding!


Unknown said...

So, whatever happened to Colleen Sharp?? We lived in Dayton at the time of Paul Dixon's show, and I loved it! I loved Bonnie Lou and Colleen. I am amazed to have found this blog, and will continue to check in.

Michael A. Banks said...

Thank you for your comment. I am very late in replying, but to answer your question, Colleen married a minister and lives north of Cincinnati now. She came out for a special program and sang Ruth's birthday song.
P.S. You may enjoy the more up-to-date http://mikebanks.blogspot.com