Monday, September 24, 2007

In WLW-T's studio, circa 1949

Here's a late 1940s performance in the WLW-T studio in Cincinnati. Note the hot lights and the special-built camera. Back then, television was like early radio in that broadcasts were primarily live performances. (The film industry was dead-set against giving up anything to TV!) Powel Crosley, Jr. was by this time relegated to a seat on the AVCO Corporation's board of directors--AVCO being the company that bought Crosley's manufacturing and broadcasting operations when World War II ended. Crosley had cooperated with DuMont before the war, but by the time this show was broadcast he was simply a bystander when it came to TV; all of his attention was focused on Crosley Motors. The piano is a Hamilton.

Click the image for a larger version. I have lots more shots of the camera (with and without its cover) and the studio to share.
Copyright © 2007, Michael A. Banks